What is Depression?
Life is full of emotional ups and downs and everyone experiences the “blues” from time to time. But when the “down” times are long lasting or interfere with an
individual’s ability to function at home or at work, that person may be suffering from depression.
Depression is a “whole-body” illness that involves a person’s body, behavior, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way an individual eats and sleeps, the way a person may feel about oneself, and the way he or she thinks about things. Depression is not the same as a temporary blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. A person with depression simply cannot “pull themselves together,” “snap out of it,” and get better. Without outside intervention, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years and of particular concern is the potential for suicidal thoughts. Appropriate treatment, however, can help alleviate many symptoms associated with depression.
The stigma of depression can be a strong barrier that prevents people from seeking treatment, as they fear that they are showing weakness. Shame and embarrassment about depression symptoms may mean that a person is afraid to tell friends and family about his or her feelings. Those who find that friends are not empathetic to their struggles and tell them to “snap out of it” may struggle even more with guilt that they are showing weakness in recognizing their depression. In fact, the opposite is true—it takes a great deal of strength and courage for a person to admit that he or she can't handle depression alone and might need outside support from a professional.
Talking to Someone About Depression
It is quite common for people to wonder when they should seek help for depression. It is normal to experience temporary anxiety, sadness, or exhaustion from time to time. It is when these feelings persist for several weeks or more that these feelings become a serious issue. Generally speaking, a person should seek help for depression when it begins to negatively impact daily life, whether the effect is on friendships, family, job, or a person’s entire outlook on life. If left untreated, depression can last for years and the more severe it is, the more difficult it can be to treat.
If depression is negatively impacting your quality of life, you can contact East Hill Counseling Services, LLC at (850) 465-3908 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00PM to schedule an appointment. By seeking help now, you can prevent things from getting worse and get back to positive and healthy daily living.